Calcite Raw Specimens
A variety of raw Calcite specimens. All the Calcite types listed here are very good material and can be used for a large variety of reasons. For a very low, soft and grounded energy flow Calcite is a must have mineral. Having so many different varieties you will definitely find the one that's perfect for you.
Stone: Calcites
Type: Raw specimen
Locale: Mexico
Size: use the 3 inch marker in the photos to get a good size reference.
Metaphysical Properties:
Calcite is a powerful energy amplifier and healer. Aids memory. Clears chakra centers, opens crown chakra.
Corresponding Astrological Sign: Cancer
Blue Calcite is good for easing the pains of back problems. If someone has had surgery, etc. on the back, it helps to ease the pain. If someone is going to have surgery on the back, it would be a good idea to carry the Blue Calcite on them as long as they can BEFORE the surgery. This helps to elevate the person's vibrations and faster healing will occur.
Corresponding Astrological Sign: Cancer
Green Calcite influences the 4th Chakra. It is often
considered to be a gemstone of joy and emotional balance. Green calcite is an important gemstone for people who work very hard, or those in drudgery jobs, such as cleaning, garbage collection, etc. as this stone is thought to bring a sense of equality of all people. Green Calcite is also said to heal mental problems, infections and aids the lungs/heart.
Corresponding Astrological Sign: Cancer
Orange Calcite has an important effect on the 2nd
Chakra. It is useful in all new beginnings, including birthing, new projects or changes. Orange calcite is also a gemstone of wisdom, especially for those in charge of other's fates.
Corresponding Astrological Sign: Cancer